Our Services

In Addition to the services listed below, we provide;

  • light box photo services for clients who wish items photographed for display on their web sites, Facebook pages, etc.
  • book, novel, report printing services that includes set-up, production and binding
  • Other "stuff" - banners, large posters and signage (We have a cooperative relationship a local sign business but we offer one-stop shopping for clients where the cost to the client is the same as if they dealt directly with the sign shop)
  • laminating, cheques (out-sourced)
  • promotional items (out sourced)
  • continuous forms (out sourced)
Quality at every step - we have a hard earned reputation for quality and timeliness. For example, we provide scanning, print and poster services for the Island artist community, a group that demands close attention to colour reproduction. While we have top of the line digital print equipment, the true value in its operation is the knowledge and experience of the graphics designer-operator.

Syntrak Print & Graphics